What's Your Next Step?

We believe growing people change.
Wherever you are in life, whatever is going on, you will always have a next step to take as you grow.
Click each icon to learn more!


Believing in Jesus is the first step on the greatest journey of your life.
The best is yet to come!


Jesus is the only way to have true freedom in life.
He is eager to enter into one and save you.

Reading Your Bible

The Bible is relevant to everyone, everywhere, at any time.
There is no book like the Bible. 


Baptism is going public about your faith in Jesus and communicating
to the world your heart-felt commitment to following Him.


We tell stories to speak the truth about the way things are,
proclaim the Gospel and give God the glory for how our life has changed.


We serve others so that they may experience the goodness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and walk in the steps of Jesus in the act of serving others.


Taking the next steps with a community of people who are close to you will impact your entire life.
 Join a group and you will see why we believe God intended for us to do life together!


As you have been created in His image, God asks you to join Him in generosity.
At Central Faith, we honor God by being open-handed with our “time, talents and treasures”.
How we handle these resources reveal our priorities.